Strongtember 30 Day Challenge
Being strong improves your health in a multitude of ways and makes day to day life so much easier.
“I was holding a cup of tea on a saucer, and a pile of clothes under my arm. I dropped a sock and squatted down to pick up the sock without spilling a drop. Solid as a rock. My husband was impressed!” - Fit My Day member Felicity.
It’s in these moments when you suddenly find simple things have become so much easier that you realise the positive effect becoming stronger is having on your day to day life. We also know that strength training reduces the incidence of many lifestyle diseases including type 2 diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Strength training increases your metabolism, improves flexibility, posture and mobility, controls blood sugar levels, improves mental health, facilitates sleep and reduces levels of stress and anxiety. There are so many reasons to become stronger.
In the month of September, I challenge you to add just a tiny amount of strength training into your day. Each group of exercises will take a maximum of 3 minutes to complete and can be done anywhere, anytime. Remember, every little bit counts. Are you with me?
© Angie Black: Fit My Day
s = seconds
RL = complete side plank on each of the right and left side for the specified time.
Print out the plan, stick it on the fridge and cross off the days as you go. Let’s get “Strongtember” together!
By Angie Black
Hey! I’m Angie. I’m passionate about fitting exercise into your life, for the rest of your life.